Though some might think that a musically talented accountant is an oxymoron, Elie Deutsch is just that. This father of three young children created a beautiful CD, Yedid Nefesh, which brings to life ancient Jewish texts with original Deutsch tunes.
The thirty-year-old musician moved to Israel from the US when he was eight years old. “I grew up listening to the ‘oldies’ like the Beatles and the Beach boys. I also enjoyed Jewish bands like Dveykus and Shlock Rock. Those influences still inspire my music today,” Deutsch shared with Israel365.
Deutsch’s musical talent was evident even as a teen. “I could identify any song and artist that I heard after hearing just a few notes,” Deutsch noted. That gift led to his eclectic music style. His music combines the rock rhythms of his youth with Jewish lyrics to create his unique and inspiring sound.
Deutsch’s love of Israel and the Bible is evident in everything he does. Currently living in the developing city of Lod in central Israel and working as an accountant in Tel Aviv, he has previously lived in the Judean cities of Efrat and Maale Adumim as well in Bet Shemesh, Ra’anana and Jerusalem.
In 2006, Deutsch was about to finish his Israeli army Hesder program, which combines Bible study with Israeli military service. However, the Second Lebanon War broke out and he was called back to fight with the Artillery Corps in northern Israel. “I had several songs ready to make into a CD after completing my service but that had to be put on hold because of the war,” he said.
Together with other members of the family and good friends of the Bet Shemesh community, Deutsch’s parents, Avraham and Miriam, came up with a plan to combine promoting their son’s talents with raising money for charities which were helping displaced families from the war as well as giving assistance to soldiers. Thousands of dollars were raised when people gave donations to download Deutsch’s songs online.
Through Deutsch’s relocations, fighting wars, becoming an accountant, getting married and becoming a father, Yedid Nefesh was born. The CD features 11 original Jewish songs.
“My primary goal for creating the album was to inspire others, through my music, about the beauty of the Bible and the wonderful land of Israel that I have been fortunate to grow up in,” Deutsch told Israel365. “I hope that my music will help listeners to reach a higher level in their devotion and connection with God.”
To purchase Yedid Nefesh, click here.