On March 31st, Israel365’s founder Rabbi Tuly Weisz was invited to speak at the Israel365 Lone Soldier Center. The event was a farewell to the 25 boys who would be enlisting as IDF Lone Soldiers later that day.
Rabbi Tuly gave an inspiring speech and gifted each new soldier with a copy of The Israel Bible. The Israel Bible is the ONLY Bible in the world that focuses on the special connection between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel.
This group of Lone Soldiers will first go to basic training and then move to specialized units. During their service, the Israel365 Lone Soldier Center will be their home away from home. This means that these specific boys will directly benefit from every donation made to our monthly Adopt-a-Soldier program.
If you haven’t done so already, please donate and bless these young men as they fulfill prophecy, defending the Land of Israel. May God protect each one of our Lone Soldiers!