Meir Tamari, a 32-year-old father from Hermesh, a town in Samaria, was headed home to see his wife and young daughters.
On his drive home, a car with two Islamic terrorists passed Meir’s small blue car, firing seven bullets at him with an M16.
Three bullets struck Meir’s upper body, and he tragically succumbed to his wounds.
Meir was murdered for one simple reason: because he was a Jew living in his Biblical Homeland.
The Bible instructs us to
We must do our part to provide comfort and financial assistance to the family of Meir Tamari.
Tal and her little kids need your help NOW!
We’re raising $100,000 to provide Meir’s grieving family comfort and financial support for the next two years.
Meir is a relative of terror victim Esther Horgan, a mother of six who was cruelly murdered in Israel by terrorists in December 2020.
Over the past year, terrorists have repeatedly targeted men, women and children on the roads of Judea and Samaria, killing 22 Israelis.
Your donation will be a powerful message of love, care, and support for Meir’s family and for the people of Israel.
Your donation will be immediately transferred to Meir’s grieving wife, Tal, so please give generously.
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*If fundraising for this project exceeds the financial needs of the project, Teach for Israel (israel365) reserves the right to use excess funds for its other charitable purposes.